Chapter 681
Damien’s POV:
Love is blind. But sometimes the blindness is intentional. Just like how I’ve been trying to come to terms with the fact that Eva will not be living with nie again. And this time it’s a full house. There’s Irene and her son, there’s Lenora and her fiancé, and there’s also Delores.
Why do I keep smelling chaos!
Why do I believe that all of this was only going to come back and burst in our faces?
I spent the entire day just thinking about how I would be able to cope with Irene’s decision. Eva found a weak point and made sure she used it to her full advantage. I am not against the idea that people can change.
But I feel like Eva is way past that. I feel like she can never change. And I could be very much wrong. So I was hoping big time that she would prove me wrong.
non that. When
Driving home, I was still trying to accept my new situation, but it was hard to do that. So I eventually gave up on t I get home. Il face what I have to face.
Once I arrived home, I let out a huge sigh before pushing the door open. But the moment I did, the first thing I heard was a loud and shrilling scream that was definitely from Charlie.
My feet carried me so fast to where the sound came from and I found everyone already gathered there, Eva sitting on the sofa while Charlie cried and pointed at Eva,
“Monster” He said and only had to think about a few incidents to connect the dot in my head. The boy was scared of her because of something that had happened before in the past, and thinking about the only times when Charlie had met Eva, it
was one to zero.
So the only time I can say something must have happened to make Charlie scared of someone he has never really seen would be the fire incident that happened in that room with Delores.
“Monster” Charlie hugged his mother tight and buried his face into her chest as she knelt beside him.
“Take him to his room. He needs to be calmed.” I said and everyone who hadn’t noticed did, Including Eva who was looking worried.
“He’s just scared of something because someone must have reminded him of a bad memory.” I said while glaring at Eva, just so she know that I knew why the boy was scared, and I was nowhere forgiving her.
“You’re right.” Delores added and with the expression on her face, it feels as though she is having similar thoughts as me. and as if we are on the same page.
Well, I guess it’s only Irene that has been won over by Eva. The rest of us aren’t just captured by webs yet. And I know I have to stay extra vigilant to really not get captured by her once again.
This small incident only made me feel I was right not to trust her fully,
“We have to watch out for whatever triggers him,” Delores said before she and Irene ascended the stairs,
“What happened to him?” Lenora walked up to me and asked, George however, was standing on the other side of the living room, staring at Eva.
I don’t know what he was staring at her for, but I’m sure there were no good intentions behind it. However, I decided not to focus on that tonight
14 36 Wed, Oct 30
Chapter 68
“He will be fine. Don’t worry,” I said and went upstairs to check on my wife and Charlie. Once everything is settled I will adopt him legally so he can really be my son. And when things he even more perfect. I will discuss children with Irene.
When I got to Charlie and Delores‘ room, I found him in Irene’s arms, already sleeping. Which seemed already fast. But I didn’t question that, I was just happy that he was already calmed
“How’s he?” I asked in a low tone.
“Shaken up. I don’t know why seeing Eva made him feel that way Irene replied in a hushed voice. I nodded my head without saying anything, not wanting to worry her further.
I can watch out for her and Charlie for now.
“He’ll be fine. Just be careful with him around Eva. Maybe her new face is scaring him in a way.” I told her and she shrugged but I’m sure she is so much more concerned.
She is just concealing it. And I won’t dig it up either. Delores also seems to know what to do.
“Yeah. He will be fine.” She said as if convincing herself instead of convincing me.
11l bring your food up, just stay with your son Delores said to her as she got up. We left Irene alone with Charlie in the room and she quickly pulled me into an empty room, shutting the door behind her.
“Saw what happened?” She asked and I said Yes
“Eva did something to the boy before.” She stated, not even trying to guess.
“Absolutely. We have to keep watch for Charlie and Irene especially now that your friend wants to forgive her step–sister.” I said to Delores, keeping the fire incident a secret to myself because when women get emotional, they could reveal what they are not supposed to
“I don’t know why she feels that is the best decision. But I guess we’ll all find out if Eva is truly changing or Irene is making mistake.” She replied and I shrugged.
“You are right. Only time will tell.” The secret conversation ended there, at least I knew I had an ally in the house to help me keep watch on Eva.
Delores and I headed downstairs and when I got there, what I saw only made me feel like we were in for true chaos.
George and Eva were laughing together as if they had no care about anything else in the world.