Love My Ex-Wife 394

Love My Ex-Wife 394

After Divorce, My General Husband Chasin… 


Chapter 394 What Are You Doing

On their way to the hospital, Richard couldn’t help but tease. General Hawthorne, weren’t you just saying you didn’t care what happened to Ms. Prescott? Why are we heading to the hospital now? What makes you change your mind?” 

The moment those words left his mouth

Richard felt a twinge of anxiety. He knew full well that this kind of comment could instantly set Frederick off

If that happened, the next month would be pure hell. He’d probably end up doing 60mile runs in full gear every single day

Chapter 394 What Are You Doing

But chances to mess with Frederick like 

this were so rare


Even with the risk of facing his commander’s wrath and some brutal punishment, Richard just had to get that jab in

True,Frederick replied coolly, and his face was as serious as ever. But Claire’s still technically the second young lady of the Hawthorne family. If this keeps up, those reporters are going to swarm the hospital.” 

Right, absolutely right, General,Richard agreed, keeping his face perfectly straight

Yep, there it wasFrederick’s classic excusemaking at its finest

. Chapter 394 What Are You Doing

After that talk, Richard didn’t dare say another word for the rest of the trip

He was already counting his lucky stars that Frederick hadn’t punished him for that little comment

Fortyfive minutes later, they arrived at the hospital


The moment Richard pulled up, Frederick jumped out of the car and made a beeline for Claire’s room

Following behind, Richard couldn’t help but shake his head in amazement. Frederick was now practically leaving a trail of dust in his wake

And he even had the nerve to say he 

didn’t care about Claire


Chapter 394 What Are You Doing? Whatever happens to Ms. Prescott is none of my business,Frederick had said

Even a toddler wouldn’t buy that one

But, deep down, Richard was living for this drama. He couldn’t wait for the day 

Frederick would have to eat his words

What would that look like when Frederick finally had to admit he was wrong to Claire

He’d probably end up on his knees

begging for forgiveness

Now, that would be the sight of a lifetime. Richard was already grinning just thinking about it

Lost in his thoughts, Richard looked up 


Chapter 394 What Are You Doing


only to realize Frederick had already vanished into the hospital, racing toward the ward

Inside the hospital room, Claire and Antony were deep into a game of chess

After spending the last few days together, and especially since Claire had accepted Antony as her godbrother, their relationship had become way more natural and comfortable

Claire felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, finally able to just relax and be herself

That was exactly the scene Frederick 

walked in on when he reached the 



Chapter 394 What Are You Doing


Ugh, how did I lose again? I swear, you beat me every single time.Claire groaned, scrunching her nose and pouting as she stared intently at the chess pieces

Antony just chuckled affectionately, Hey, you just need more practice. You know what they saypractice makes perfect. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be crushing me in every game.” 

As he spoke softly, he reached out and playfully pinched Claire’s cheek

That one simple gesture sent Frederick’s blood pressure through the roof

Who the hell does Antony think he is, getting all handsy with my woman?he thought

Chapter 394 What Are You Doing


Claire’s tone was totally flirtatious and cutesysomething she’d never done with him, her actual fiancé

Frederick’s expression darkened as he walked in and yanked Antony aside

“Frederick? What are you doing?” 

Claire took a moment to process what was happening, then stared at him in disbelief before demanding an answer

What am I doing? Take a good look for yourself.” 

Frederick pulled out his phone, opened a video, and tossed it to Claire

This woman was completely out of 


» Chapter 394 What Are You Doing

He’d barely touched Antony, and here 


she was, giving him attitude and trying to scold him

Where did you get these videos? Someone obviously edited them to look this way.” 

Claire was shocked when she saw the footage on Frederick’s phone. Every single clip showed intimate moments between her and Antony

Each video made them look super close, but that wasn’t how things really were at 


Edited?” Frederick thought to himself and sneered. He’d watched every single moment of her getting cozy with Antony 

Chapter 394 What Are You Doing? with his own eyes


It doesn’t matter who filmed the video or whether it was intentional. What matters is that if this continues, in less than three days, all of Kingstown will be buzzing with rumors about the Hawthorne family’s second lady. We’re going home.” 

With a dark expression, Frederick 

scooped Claire up in his arms and headed 

for the door

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Love My Ex-Wife

Love My Ex-Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Love My Ex-Wife


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