My Prince
Chapter 0171
Chapter 0171
“I don’t know what you mean,” I replied, but the knowing look he gave me made it clear he saw through my denial.
“Go ahead and ask your questions,” he said, his tone calm. There’s no reason to be hesitant with me. You want to know about my relationship with my mother.”
I hesitated, unsure if I should press further. But he’d opened the door, and my curiosity had already taken hold. “I just… it seems like there’s a lot of tension between you two, And then, when Michael got back, she was like a completely different person.”
A bitter smile curved Alexander’s lips. “Yeah, that’s how she is,” he said with a shrug. “For as long as I can remember, she’s preferred Michael. She’s always been a little hypercritical of me, but it got worse after my father died.”
His gaze shifted to the side, his eyes darkening as that stormy expression overtook his face again. Whatever he was thinking about, it clearly wasn’t pleasant.
I didn’t want to pry–it wasn’t my place to dig into his painful memories, especially not now. “We don’t have to talk about this,” I said, standing and testing the weight on my injured foot. It was uncomfortable, but not unbearable.
“I know we don’t have to,” Alexander replied, his voice steady. “But you’re curious, and it doesn’t make any sense to pretend that everything is normal.”
“I don’t think it’s abnormal to have tension with your parents,” I offered. “A lot of people have complicated relationships with their families.”
Alexander’s gaze softened slightly. “Look, it’s just awkward with her sometimes. I’ve come to terms with the fact that she favors Michael. It doesn’t bother me anymore–not really. And most of the time, things between us are fine.” He straightened, the tension easing from his posture. “It’s certainly nothing you need to tiptoe around.”
“It’s late,” I said softly, breaking the tension. “We can talk more another time. I’ll get dressed in the bedroom so you can take your shower.”
Alexander nodded, his expression unreadable. “Sure. We do need our rest–we’ve got some very busy days ahead of us.”
I offered a small smile in agreement before quickly leaving the bathroom.
The clothes Alexander had picked out for me were neatly folded on the side table. I dressed swiftly, the soft fabric feeling far more comfortable than the formal dress I’d worn earlier. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I let my thoughts wander again.
There was definitely more going on with Alexander and his family than I’d expected. He seemed willing to open up about it, but I still hesitated. My own relationship with my family was strong, filled with warmth and love. Arguments happened, of course–that was normal–but the tension I sensed between Alexander and his mother felt entirely different.
The way Diana looked at him didn’t sit right with me. Her demeanor shifted entirely when Michael was around, and while Michael seemed sweet and easygoing, the dynamic made me uneasy.
Perhaps it was my protectiveness over Alexander clouding my judgment. After all, I’d only just met Diana, and it wasn’t as if I could read her expressions perfectly.
Lost in thought, I didn’t notice how much time had passed until the bathroom door opened, releasing a wave of warm, humid air.
Chapter 0171
Alexander stepped out, a towel slung low around his waist, water beading on his chest as he moved across the room to the dresser. He pulled out a fresh set of clothes, his movements unhurried and confident.
I realized I was staring and turned away abruptly, my cheeks burning. My heart pounded, and I cursed myself for agreeing to share a bed with him. How was I supposed to manage this? Being so close to him, especially like this, felt like an insurmountable challenge.
I drew in a steadying breath, determined to compose myself, though my pulse refused to calm. This was going to be a long night.