Chapter 0181
Chapter 0181
Ella POV
Before I even opened the message from Amanda, I called Alexander. My hands were trembling as I waited for the call to ring through, and relief washed over me when his face appeared on the screen.
“What’s wrong?” he asked immediately, his expression sharpening as he took in my obvious distress.
“I just got a text from Amanda,” I said, her name leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.
“What could she possibly have to say to you?” Alexander asked, his voice low with suspicion.
“I don’t know,” I admitted, my words tumbling out. “I haven’t actually looked yet. I guess I panicked and called you instead.”
“Good,” Alexander said firmly. “You shouldn’t be dealing with either of them without someone there with you.”
His words reassured me. He didn’t even know the full extent of what David and Amanda were capable of, but he understood enough to take my fears seriously. It was a comfort I desperately needed.
“I’m opening the message now,” I said, tapping Amanda’s name and enlarging the attached image.
“It’s a picture,” I said, frowning as I examined it.
“A picture of what?” Alexander asked.
“It looks like… an appointment book,” I murmured, my heart sinking as the details became clear. I zoomed in further, dread pooling in my stomach. “Your name is at the top, but it’s been crossed out. Beneath it is David’s name, penciled in. Next to the names are dates and times.”
The realization hit me like a punch. “It’s the appointment book for the wedding venue. They stole our venue, Alexander. And not just the venue–they took our date, too
“Are you serious?” he said, his frustration evident in his tone.
“Yes. It’s right here in the picture. Your name is crossed out, and David’s is written in. First they try to steal our date, now they take our venue too?”
“Well, that’s clearly a mistake on the venue’s part,” Alexander said, his voice tightening with frustration but lacking the outrage I felt. “That’s a breach of contract. I’ll have my lawyers contact them.”
“I’m disappointed about the venue,” I said, “but that’s not the real issue. How could they have possibly known about this? This wasn’t public information.”
“It’s not that surprising,” Alexander replied. “The venue was probably bragging about being chosen by us. David must have found out that way and thrown some money around. He’s desperate to one–up us right now. Honestly, I should have seen something like this coming.”
His explanation made sense, but something about it just didn’t sit right with me. I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that there was more going on here. Frustration bubbled in my chest as I wrestled with whether this was my anxiety clouding my judgment or if I should trust my instincts.
“What is it?” Alexander asked, his gaze narrowing slightly I can tell by the look on your face that something else is bothering you. Is there more to the message?”
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “It doesn’t actually say anything. It’s just the picture. But why would she send this to me? I don’t understand.”
Chapter 0181
“To brag,” Alexander suggested with a shrug. “We would’ve been notified by the venue eventually, so it’s not like she did it out of the kindness of her heart to give us a heads–up. She’s just trying to get under your skin.”
“Well, it’s working,” I admitted, the frustration clear in my tone.
“It’s going to be okay,” Alexander said in a soothing voice,We have plenty of time to find a replacement venue, and budget isn’t an issue.”
“It’s not that simple,” I replied softly. “Finding a suitable venue takes time, even with money. And now we’ve wasted so much of it. We might not even be able to get the date we want.”
Alexander’s expression darkened, his voice dropping. “We’ll get the same date. If David thinks he’s going to steal our thunder, he’s wrong. If he wants this to be a competition, that’s what we’ll give him. Let’s see how many people actually show up to his little shindig when they’re also invited to ours.”
Chapter 0182