Chapter 0214
Alexander POV
Wedding planning was far more complicated than I’d ever imagined. How anyone managed to do this on their own was beyond me.
Ella had mentioned, after I asked, that David had been no help at all with planning her first wedding. I wasn’t surprised to hear it, but I was annoyed nonetheless. What kind of man left his woman to shoulder all the work while he sat back and reaped the benefits?
I shook the thought away. I couldn’t allow myself to start thinking of Ella as my woman, not even fleetingly. That was a dangerous precedent to set for myself.
Still, the stress of planning this wedding was worse than I had anticipated, especially since I’d taken on so much of the work myself. It felt like everything was conspiring against me. A small part of me wondered if fate was trying to stop this wedding from happening. It was a sham, after all…
But in reality, the problems weren’t as mystical as fate. My mother’s constant meddling was irritating, Topher’s smugness was grating, and my lack of sleep only amplified my frustrations.
Letting them get under my skin was a mistake, but they seemed determined to test my patience. Topher, in particular, was enjoying himself far too much, knowing I’d owe him for “saving the day,” as he smugly called it.
“Sir, you look miserable,” August’s voice cut through my swirling thoughts.
I glanced up from my laptop, where I had been rereading the same vendor email for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Is that supposed to be helpful?” I snapped, letting my irritation seep into my tone.
“You need to take a night off,” August said, his voice carrying that familiar mix of sternness and concern he used when he anticipated resistance.
I sighed, glaring at the email on my screen. He wasn’t wrong. I had read the same paragraph at least three times and couldn’t recall a single detail. A clear sign that I was overtired and ineffective.
“I don’t really have time to take a night off,” I muttered.
“I can handle whatever needs handling,” August said firmly. “Besides, it wouldn’t do for you to show up to your own wedding looking haggard and exhausted. This whole thing is just for show, right? So you need to be camera- ready.”
I smirked faintly, though his logic was sound. “Oh? And how will you handle it when my mother calls again?” I asked sarcastically.
My mother had been relentless, calling me constantly since she’d gone dress shopping with Ella. Every stray question seemed to be treated as an emergency, requiring my immediate attention.
Her incessant interest was irritating, yet it reassured me in a small way. I hadn’t expected her to care about the wedding at all, and her surprising enthusiasm felt strangel validating.
More than that, she seemed fixated on Ella. Every call brought a new inquiry about her what she liked, how she spent her time, even small details like her favorite flowers
It struck me as odd, but I didn’t dwell on it. Her interest, while uncharacteristic, was a good thing. It inade everything feel more tangible, more real.
“I’m serious,” August pressed, snapping me back to the moment. “You need to rest. You only have a few days left
Chapter 0214
before the wedding, and you’re running on fumes.”
“Fine,” I relented with a sigh. “Hold my calls unless there’s an emergency.
Relief washed over August’s face as he nodded in agreement. “I’ll take care of everything, sir. Get some rest.
I shut my laptop with a sharp click and leaned back in my chair, exhaling slowly. As much as I hated to admit it, August was right.
If I didn’t recharge now, I wouldn’t last until the ceremony.
I gathered my belongings and stepped into the elevator, heading upstairs to my apartment. Despite my exhaustion —and the relief I felt at the mere thought of collapsing into bed–my mind immediately wandered to Ella.
My sleeplessness, after all, wasn’t solely due to stress.
Third Person PQV
Diana couldn’t understand the obsession with Ella Rowan.
The media seemed fixated on every aspect of the girl’s life. Sure, what had happened at her first wedding was tragic, and the viral videos of the incident were undeniably compelling. But the continued attention baffled Diana.
Ella was pretty, young, and smart, but she was also an Alpha’s daughter. She was supposed to be all of those things–it was expected. There wasn’t anything about her that stood out from the other sons and daughters of powerful Alphas, at least as far as Diana could see.
The only logical conclusion, she reasoned, was that the fascination stemmed from the Rowan family’s power and wealth. If Ella’s father weren’t as prominent as he was, people wouldn’t care nearly as much about her life. It was as simple as that.
What puzzled Diana even more, though, was Alexander’s interest in her. Ella was nothing like the women he’d pursued in the past, and Diana couldn’t make sense of his attraction.
But whatever was between them, it seemed real.
Diana’s usual tactics–her needling and teasing–had done nothing to change their course. Her attempts to undermine the match had failed. Even reaching out to Rebecca Rowan, Ella’s mother, had been futile.
Rebecca had been polite, but resolute. And Diana knew better than to push too hard; crossing the Rowans would be a political disaster.
Now, with the wedding upon them, Diana was out of time.
She had expected the Rowans to be more cautious, especially after what Ella had already endured. Yet it seemed the rumors about Ella being spoiled by her parents were true–they’d give her anything she wanted, warnings be damned.
Diana replayed her last conversation with Rebecca in her mind, still irritated by how it had gone.
“I have my own reservations about this,” Rebecca had admitted. “But I think it’s best for everyone if we do our best to support our children. They seem happy together, don’t you think? Don’t you want to see your son happy?”
“Of course I do,” Diana had replied coolly, keeping her frustration masked,
Rebecca’s thinly veiled scolding had annoyed her, but Dian hadn’t pressed further. It would’ve been pointless.
Now, standing in front of her mirror, Diana scrutinized her reflection as she adjusted the strap of her dress. The gown was flawless, hugging her figure in all the right place. She turned slightly, admiring the way the fabric shimmered under the light.
Chapter 0214
She looked incredible, but it did little to soothe her irritation.
Giving up didn’t feel right, but she was at an impasse.
Even Jacob, her most trusted confidant, had warned her to tread carefully. “Alpha Black has a temper,” he’d said, his tone edged with caution. “If you keep trying to drive a wedge between him and Miss Rowan, you’ll anger him. And we don’t want him targeting you, do we?”
No, of course she didn’t want Alexander’s wrath aimed at her. She wasn’t foolish enough to push him too far.
But just because she couldn’t stop the wedding didn’t mean she had lost.
Divorce existed for a reason.
Adjusting the strap of her dress one final time, Diana frowned at the earrings she was wearing. They didn’t match quite right. She’d need to choose another pair. Perfection was her goal, after all.
She smiled faintly at her reflection. Perfection always took time, but she would achieve it–no matter how long it took.
Chapter 0215