12 Chapter 12 Finding Her A Better
It was currently 5pm and Leonica was seated in a restaurant, listening to the Noirette in front of her, namely Anastasia, her best friend, rain all heaven
down on her. O
“I can’t believe you. You could you just up and pop without telling I, your best friend a single thing. You didn’t even dim it fit to say goodbye to me.” Anastasia scolded like she has been doing for the last hour.
The following day after her returning to Norway, Leonica had gotten a phone call from Anastasia who had heard the news from Leonardo.
To say she had been pissed was an understatement. Leonica had nearly lost her hearing the moment she answered the call.
Fortunately, she had found a way to calm the Noirette down and proposed dinner while she explained her previous action.
Anastasia accepted without a second to waste, thus
12 Chapter 12 Finding Her A Better Man.
the reason for the current situation.
“I’m sorry” Leonica apologized for the umpteenth time, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “But there was no other choice. The decision had been made on the spur
of the moment and there was no time to think.”
“Spur of the moment? You’re Leonica, you don’t do spur of the moment things. If anyone should be the one spurring in the moment, it should be Megan, not you.” Anastasia said, referring to the absent brunette in their friend group who had a habit of acting
“I know, but trust me Annie, if there was another option I would have chosen it.” Leonica said, a look of defeat on her face as she took a sip of her tea.
Anastasia’s lips twitched.
She had always had a soft spot for her childhood friend, so she could never stay mad at her, especially
when she had that face.
Signing, Anastasia was about to easily give into
Leonica’s face when her attention was diverted by a small figure barreling down in her direction.
“Aunty Annie look!” Ashely exclaimed happily as he
12 Chapter 12 Finding Her A Better Man.
stopped in front of Anastasia and held up the golden crispy croissant he had gotten from the pastry section.
“The cook said I could have this.”
Anastasia’s mood visibly brightened at the sight of the younger boy. Reaching down, she patted his head.
“That’s nice.” She said, a warm smile on her lips. “You should thank him for it. Did you do that?” She asked.
Ashely shook his head.
“Well then, why don’t you go thank the cook, huh?”
Ashely nodded his head, his blonde locks bouncing. “Okay!” He chirped and was about to head off when he remembered something and quickly turned around. “Oh mommy, can I also get a glass of orange juice?”
“Sure sweetheart,” Leonica replied, reaching into her bag for her purse and later handing him a five dollar
“Thanks mommy,” Ashely thanked, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he headed for the pastry section once again, leaving Anastasia and Leonica alone.
Anastasia watched as the child ran up to the pastry section, conversing with the cook. A few seconds of
12 Chapter 12 Finding Her A Better Man.
silence had gone by before she peeled her gaze away from Ashely’s figure and looked at Leonica, who upon sensing her stare, looked her way with a smile.
The former pressed her lips into a thin line. She had so much question to ask her best friend after seeing her after five years, and one question in particular was nagging at her to be asked.
Gabriel was the father of Ashely, wasn’t he?
Although it was a given, seeing as the child took more of his features than Leonica’s. It was like he was a mini
molded version of Gabriel, save for the blonde locks.
Leonica’s hair had always been blonde during her childhood, it was no wonder Ashely would inherit the
And the eyes…they were grey and sharp just like Gabriel’s, there was no doubt about that.
However, even if all the clues were pointing in that direction, Anastasia couldn’t bring herself to directly ask Leonica that question.
She didn’t want to risk reopening her friend’s wounds. for something as trivial as curiosity.
12 Chapter 12 Finding Hor A Better Man.
Sighing, she settled on a different question. “Just for clarity sake, that Child doesn’t have a godmother yet, does he?”
“He doesn’t.” Leonica answered.
Anastasia smiled. “Then does that mean I get to be his godmother?” She asked, however before Leonica could respond, she added. “Before you even think of saying no, don’t forget the promise we made in college.”
“And what is that?” Leonica asked, her head tilted and feigning confusion.
Anastasia’s expression darkened.
“That if any of us were to have a child, the other person would become the godmother or godfather.”
Leonica paused, pretending to try and recall the
“That sounds so familiar,” she said and Anastasia rolled
her eyes.
“Leonica, you best remember, else…” She warned.
“Alright, alright. You can be his godmother.” Leonica laughed, holding her hand up in defeat.
12 Chapter 12 Finding Her A Better Man.
“Good.” Anastasia grinned in triumph, soon joining the laugh with Leonica.
After their laughter died down, Anastasia’s face grew serious as a memory flashed in her mind and she clicked her tongue in distaste.
Even during their college days, Leonica had been part of Gabriel’s fan girls, loving him longer than most of the girls that were currently vying for his attention.
Yet he dare treat her uselessly.
“Unbelievable,” She tsked, shaking her head. “How truly ungrateful is Gabriel Bryce.”
Leonica immediately, or rather instinctively clenched her jaws and fist upon hearing the name of said man she had a bad past with.
Anastasia who was unaware of her friends reaction, continued on. “Is he blind or is he simply stupid. How can he choose that scheming witch over you who unconditionally loves him and even saved his life…”
“Anastasia,” Leonica cut her friend off before she could speak much further. The look in her eyes wordlessly told the Noirette not to speak anymore on the topic.
12 Chapter 12 Finding Her A Better Man.
“That’s enough. Leave the past in the past.”
“Right,” Anastasia sighed looking else where as she realized how much her blabbering might have upset Leonica. “I’m sorry.”
Leonica nodded, accepting her apology and they both
fell silent.
After a minute, Anastasia, thinking it would be best to change the topic, opened her mouth to ask about Ashley’s new school preparation, when the beeping sound of her phone interrupted her.
Reaching into her hand bag, Anastasia pulled her phone out and unlocked it. Her brows furrowed when she read the message notification on her screen.
“Is something the matter?” Leonica asked, her tone gentle and filled with concern.
“Hmmm.” Anastasia hummed in reply, her eyes still glued to the screen as she scrolled through the link attached to the notification she had received, more
accurately, the notification that had been
recommended to her.
“Annie?” Leonica called out again, noticing her friend’s
unusual silanga “What’s umone?||
aual cilence.
22:15 –
12 Chapter 12 Finding Her A Better Man.
Against her better judgement, Anastasia places her phone on the table and gently slid it towards Leonica who picked it up and calmly read the headline of the article her friend had been staring at.
‘Gabriel Bryce and Angelina Fernandez’s engagement
The headline read in bold letters.
Leonica felt a familiar butter feeling pool in the pit of her stomach and she clenched her jaws.
Watching her friend stare at her phone with a somewhat strained expression, Anastasia’s anger towards Gabriel rose.
How dare he?
How could he move on with his life like that and act as if Leonica was never even present in his life.
It was a slap to the face.
Leonica had left because of him, and yet here he was, living the perfect life with the very same woman who had schemed and ruined their marriage.
And he even had the audacity to openly post about their engagement!
12 Chapter 12 Finding Her A Better Man.
Anastasia balled her fist. If Gabriel and his mistress
plan was to hurt Leonica any more than they already have, she wasn’t going to allow it.
She was going to show them that just like them, Leonica could also move on with her life, and even
without Gabriel.
She was going to help her friend find someone who was better for her than Gabriel and they would show
the world.
But first, she needed to pick a dress for Leonica that would stun the world the moment she steps foot in the venue of Norway’s biggest social event.
The annual business banquet.
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