18 Chapter 18 Her Threatening
“Gabe, there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you.” Angelina called out as she strolled in the direction of her Fiancé’s figure, putting on a weakened Visage that would go perfectly well with her meek act.
Without caring who he was conversing with, she cling onto his arm, making sure that the engagement ring he had given her a few weeks ago was very visible as soon as she noticed his companion, aside from Christian was a stunning white–ette woman.
Huh, stunning white–ette woman?!
Angelina did a doubt take at the woman’s direction, her eyes growing wide at she recognized the familiar
face of Leónica.
“You…!” She exclaimed nearly blowing the meek persona she has been living by for years in other to gain Gabriel’s love and affection.
Which has been relatively easy over the years, however, staring the woman that stood in front of her,
18 Chapter 18 Hor Threatening Presence.
from head to toe, Angelina felt a deep sense of
She was gorgeous. No matter how much hatred Angelina harbored for Leonica, Gabriel’s ex wife, she had to admit the latter was drop dead gorgeous.
And the white–ette’s beauty was not the type that would fade away with time, no, it was the type of beauty that would grow deeper and become even more breathtaking with age.
But beauty aside, Angelina could tell, with the unnatural aura surrounding her, that the woman in front of her was no longer the same woman she had terrorized five years ago.
She was different in a way that made Angelina feel
“L–leonica,” She managed to get pass her lips after coming down from her shocked state.
Leonica’s face remained calm and emotionless, however, the moment her eyes trailed down, landing on the shinny wedding ring Angelina was wearing and recalled the article announcing their engagement, her mouth was filled with a sudden bitter taste.
18 Chapter 18 Her Threatening Presence.
She swallowed quickly, ridding her mouth of the taste
as soon as it came.
“How befitting,” She began, eyes glancing between the two. “The viper of a mistress is finally with her trashy prince charming, I suppose congratulations are in order.” She mocked, a fake smile plastered on her lips.
Angelina’s eyes twitched at the direct insult and she reminded herself to stay in character before she does anything drastic, leaving the real work to be done by the crowd as she raised her voice.
“Huh? Leonica, how can you say that?!”
The crowd, who had been minding their business up until Angelina raised her voice, was taken aback as they turned to see what was happening, not having expected a reunion between the exes.
“I know that you might be angry with Gabe, considering the way your…your marriage ended, but I don’t think there’s any need for you to get so verbally abusive. And here I was, thinking that we could put our difference between us and…and become friends, yet you throw such bitter insults at me. You’re doing all this because you want Gabe back, right?”
18 Chapter 18 Her Threatening Presence.
Angelina questioned, too into her act that she missed the way Gabriel flinched at her accusation towards
‘Oh, how over dramatic.‘ Leonica on the other hand, thought, rolling her eyes.
The crowd of watching spectators however, did not think the same thing. Slowly, whispers began to arise. from the crowd while the music faded out.
“Isn’t she the ex–wife of Gabriel Bryce, the president of the Bryce Company? I heard that she has history of being verbally abusive towards president Bryce. I guess it is true.” One whispered.
“Poor Ms. Fernandez, she was simply trying to put the past behind her and be on good terms, yet her actions were returned with insults.” Another person joined,
“No wonder, with an attitude like that, it’s no wonder why Mr. Bryce divorced her.”
The words, which had begun as whispers, were now spoken clearly and louder than before, attracting the attention of the people who weren’t close enough to the scene.
18 Chapter 18 Her Threatening Presence,
Leonica couldn’t care less about the things they were saying. She allowed her eyes wander the crowd, seeing all the people who were turning against her because of Angelina’s words, before finally allowing her gaze to settle on the culprit herself.
And from behind her hand, feigning hurt…she smirked.
The bitch Smirked!
Leonica scoffed in disbelief. That fucking bitch‘
“Is this how you do things now? By lying and creating false rumors, then using them to make yourself look innocent.” Leonica directed her question at Angelina,
her tone flat.
“W–what do you mean? I’m not lying. You insult
“I was simply stating facts. A man who divorces his loyal wife for viper such as yourself, should be considered trash.” She stated. “And don’t ever in a
thousand years, think that I would fight someone like YOU, over someone like HIM, crap that I threw out
years ago.”
The words, which Leonica had calmly stated, shook
Angalina to hear nora and her not shattered
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18 Chapter 18 Her Threatening Presence.
It also stung Gabriel’s pride greatly, as the crowd now began whispering about what they had just heard, quickly turning tables.
“Leonica, that’s enough from you.” Gabriel cut in, stepping in front of his Fiancée.
“Oh, are you angry now? Well, tough shit, you have no right to speak up in this conversation, or did you forget? I was the one wronged, not you, so stay out of this.” Leonica retorted, glaring coldly at her ex
Gabriel’s jaw clenched. “I said that’s enough!”
“You should listen to him, Leonica,” Angelina spoke up from beside Gabriel. “Don’t try to act all cool, it’s gonna get you nowhere.”
And this new trick of yours, certainly won’t win
Gabriel’s heart, she thought, sending an aloof smirk at
The white–ette, much to Angelina’s dismay, simply shut her a contemptuous smile and as if on cue, the voice of the Venue’s Emcee cut through the tension.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the annual
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hanauet’s angach” Un s
18 Chapter 18 Her Threatening Presence.
from the crowd, the previous tension that had arose minutes ago, long forgotten.
“Please, put your hands together for the new president of Norway’s Business Chambers!”
At the sound of this, the crowd’s cheer became louder, clapping their hands enthusiastically all the while looking for the said woman.
“Without further a–due, let’s welcome her on stage!” The Emcee announced, gesturing for the technical and lighting team to point their spotlight on a certain white–ette who had been standing at the edge of the
The moment the spotlight landed on Leonica, the entire hall fell erupted with a new kind of noise, everyone’s eyes on her, as the emcee gestured for her to come up stage.
Out of everyone, the two people most shocked were Gabriel and Angelina, the latter looking like a fish pulled straight out of salt water.
Leonica felt yet another wave of satisfaction wash over her and without another word said to the viper, she began her walk towards the stage, however, stopping
18 Chapter 18 Her Threatening Presenco.
when she had walked past Gabriel and was within ear
shot of him.
“The man you’ve become today, Gabriel…your grandmother would have been truly disappointed if
she had witnessed it.”
Without bothering to glance back at him, she carried on her walk, letting her words sink in.
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