About Me Fo 22

About Me Fo 22

22 Chapter 22 His Child IsAlive?! 

With Mouth hanging open and eyes widening far beyond their capacity, Gabriel watched the scene in front of him play out like a sitcom

Except it wasn’t some channel television, it was real

Leonica was a mother

Why did you leave the doctor’s appointment, Ash?Leonica, despite the scolding tone she had, pecked the young bow on his forehead. Are you aware of how worried mommy was?She asked, loud enough for Gabriel to hear, Indeed confirming his thoughts

That child belonged to Leonica… 

But hadn’t she said that she had aborted the baby five years ago

So whose child was this

Someone else’s

Not possible. The Boy, Ash as she had called him, had referred to her as his mother and she to herself as his mother



22 Chapter 22 His Child isAlive?! 

So it was clear to him that This boy, Ash, was her child, so did that meanshe had another child with another 


The thought, as unusual as it was to pass Gabriel’s mind, caused a storm of emotions to unleash inside, the strongest ones present being anger and confusion

For some reason, just like when he had gotten home and learnt of her disappearance five years ago, Gabriel refused to accept the situation as it was

Unlike five years ago, he needed answers. And answers he was going to get

Placing one foot forward, Gabriel had taken a defining step, mind set on confronting Leonica, when he 

suddenly felt a hand latch onto his upper arm from behind

Instantly, he whipped his head around, freezing the moment his eyes met with Angelina’s own

Gabe, there you are. What took you so long?She questioned innocently, tilting her head and body weight, which was being supposed by a crutch, to the side

Ceeing her face the make renalled the ranaan uhu ho 



22 Chapter 22 His Child IsAlive?! 

had visited the hospital in the first place, foregoing it after having ran into the child

Were you lost?She questioned his silence. Well that’s fine, I’m here now. Let’s go to my room.She 


Gabriel was reluctant. No matter how much he tried to 

not let it show, it was clear on his face that instead of going with his finacèè, he’d much rather stay her and question his ex wife from five years ago

Angelina sensed this, thought not sure what was bringing about this new reluctance of his, she did not 

like it

Gabriel’s attention was hers and hers alone. There was 

no room for reluctance even if it was business related

It had been that way up until now and she wasn’t going to allow that change

Taking a step forward, the brunette pretended to slip on her crutches, nearly crashing into Gabriel. Fortunately, he caught her, steading her balance

I’m sorry,” She apologized sheepishly, tugging the fallen locks of her hair behind her ears. My leg hasn’t fully healed vet. Standing for too long like this. isn’t 


22 Chapter 22 His Child IsAlive?! 

really wise. Come on Gabe, let’s go back to my room.She grabbed onto his hand and began to pull him away, somewhat limping in her every step

Gabriel pressed his lips together. He wanted to break out of Angelina’s hold and rush towards Leonica, but that would clearly make him look like an unloyal fiance

And Leonica, wasn’t worth that type of stress

But that didn’t mean he was giving up on confronting her. She owed him an explanation and he was going to come back and get one

I’m sorry for worrying you, mommy,” Ashley 

apologized, lips turned downwards. The needlesthey looked really scary.He admitted, although not too proud of his actions

My prince was really scared off by needles?” 

Ashely nodded his head. They all looked so scary. I had to run, but I ended up getting separated from my nanny.He continued to explain

Leonica was just about to comfort her son, rather than scolding him any longer, when the boy suddenly 

perked un gloomy aura completely gone



22 Chapter 22 His Child Is Alive?! 

But then Kind Uncle helped me.He announced

Leonica blinked her eyes in confusion. Kkind Uncle?” 

Yeah, he’s right there!Ashely pointed towards where he had left the man that was with him

However, when they both looked back, the bench and it’s surroundings was empty

Huh? Where did he go?Ashely questioned, craning 

his neck in different directions

Who were you talking about, Ashely?His mother 


Kind Uncle,The kid repeated. He found me after I had lost the nanny and waited with me until you came. He was here just a few seconds ago.” 

Ashely,Leonica called out in a serious tone. What did I warn you about trusting strangers?” 

WellIHe tried to defend his earlier action. Alas he settles for the only thing that came to his mind even when aware that it wouldn’t prevent his mother’s scolding. Well he wasn’t driving an ice cream truck. Neither did he offer me candy!” 

Leonica pinched the bridge of her nose with her free



22 Chapter 22 His Child Is.. Alive?! 

hand and sighed

Ashely, you still shouldn’t have trusted him.” 

But he wasn’t a clown, didn’t have an ice scream truck 

and wasn’t offering me candy” 

But he was still a stranger, wasn’t he?Leonica deadpanned

Ashely opened his mouth to defend, however he saw no reasoning that could counter the warning his mother had given him

In the end, he settled on a simple request, stirring some of the conversation’s direction in the process

Can we at least look for kind Uncle and thank him?” 

He questioned

Leonica sighed, about to shake her head. Ash-” 

Please. Please mommy. Please~He begged, finger laced together and lips turned downwards with sparkling eyes

He was showing the puppy dog expression. A face that he was fully aware his mother couldn’t resist and was using it to his full advantage



22 Chapter 22 His Child Is Alive?! 

Just like he had predicted, Leonica couldn’t bring herself to say no. But, just when she was about to give in, her phone began to ring

Hold on Ash,” She reached for the device, swiping on the answer Icon after confirming that it was Anastasia who had been calling. Hey Annie, what’s up?” 

The preparations back at Ashley’s school has been sorted out. Could you tell the nanny to bring him over if they’re done with the medical check up?” 

As a matter of fact, I’m at the hospital, with Ashely. Not the nanny.” 

From the other end, Anastasia sighed. In the short space of a week and a half since Leonica had returned, she had gotten to know that Ashely was a mischievous sould despite his innocent appearance

And from the words of her best friend, she could already tell that Ashely had taken one look at the hospital’s injection needle and turned into Scooby

Expected as much.She muttered. You know what, forget the medical checkup. I’ll handle that here, how about you both come and do some final check ups, yeah?” 



22 Chantel 22 His Child Is Alive?! 

Alright. We’re coming.Leonica said and hung up

Turning her face to Ashely’s, she pressed her lips into a thin line. Ash, we gotta leave. Let’s find kind Uncle some other time, okay?” 

The kid glanced back In the direction he had left said Kind uncle and although he didn’t like the idea of leaving without saying thank youhe didn’t want to mess up his school preparations

Deciding for the best, he nodded his head to his 

mother’s words

Leonica smiled. Nice. Let’s go now.” Her words were heard by the men, body guards to be precise, who had 

come with her

Immediately, they turned around, leading her towards 

the exit

However, with each step Leonica took, she couldn’t help but look over her shoulder, feeling as if she had perhaps missed something important


About Me Fo

About Me Fo

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
About Me Fo


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