20 Chapter 20 The Smell Of Gun
Powder Between Friends.
-Chapter 19:
“What?” Christian asked, blinking his eyes in confusion.
Had he just heard Gabriel right?
“Leonica’s medical records, I want them.” Gabriel
“That…” Christian hesitated. I don’t think that would
be possible, Gabriel.”
“Why not?” Gabriel questioned, not liking the fact that Christian was hesitant to grant him his wish.
“Because they are private and that would mean I have to violate her privacy to get that information.” Christian reasoned, hoping Gabriel would back off.
However, it was a futile attempt.
“Invasion of privacy or not, Christian, I want those
Christian’s jaws elenched, clearly displeased by his
20 Chapter 20 The Smell Of Gun Powder Between Friends.
friend’s decision. “And what do you hope to achieve by obtaining her medical records? What will this
“The abortion, her medical record will surely contain
traces of an abortion.”
“What?” Christian nearly chuckled at his response. Not only did he find it funny that his friend cared so much as to carry the matter over night, he found it equally disturbing how Gabriel seemed to have forgotten the fact that he and Leonica we’re no longer together.
It seems like he needed to remind him.
“Gabe, don’t forget, Leonica is no longer your wife, you can’t do as you please with her life.”
Christian’s words had been spoken calmly and logically, yet it irritated Gabriel and angered him at the same time. To top it all off, their dance scene from the previous night replayed in his mind, angering him all the more.
“Since when did you start standing up for her?” He accused, standing from his seat, grey eyes glaring down at his friend.
Christian’s iaws clenched at his statement and the wav
20 Chapter 20 The Smoll Of Gun Powder Belwahn Friends.
he was looking at him, but he kept his calm and continued speaking. “I’m not siding with anyone here. I am merely pointing out the fact that Leonica is no longer a Bryce, therefore, you can no longer use your privileges to obtain her medical records.”
Gabriel snorted, his eyes darkening. “That’s bullshit. If that’s what you mean then your words and actions aren’t matching up.”
“I’m sorry?” Christian’s brows creased.
“The night of the banquet,” Gabriel continued, the memory of Christian’s behavior at the venue fresh in
his mind.
“I saw the way you spoke to her, the way you interacted, do you mean to tell me that I’ve been
misunderstandings shit so far?”
Christian’s eyes narrowed at his accusation and he let out a chuckle. “Gabriel, I can’t believe you.” He laughed, shaking his head. “If that’s how you think my
interactions with her are, then you have clearly been mistaken.”
“No, I just think it’s you who doesn’t know where to draw the line.”
20 Chapter 20 The Smell Of Gun Powder Between Friends.
Christian’s laughter died down, his lips twitching.
“Me?” He asked, pointing at himself. “What about you? Why the hell are you so concerned with her? You have Angelina, don’t you?”
“Okay!” Lloyd exclaimed, interrupting the argument that was starting. “That’s enough, both of you.”
The two men turned to Lloyd who stood in the middle of their heated gaze off, not sure of whom to side with.
He wasn’t sure what all the building tension between the two was about, but he needed to nip the tension before it escalated any further.
Starting from the culprit.
“Gabe,” He turned towards the Noirette male. “You
need to calm down man. You’re bristling over such a simple matter. So what if she did have the abortion?”
“Simple matter?” Gabriel nearly snapped on his innocent friend who raised his hands defensively, sensing his growing frustration.
Realizing this action before they could get worse, Gabriel clammed his mouth shut and turned away. He
20 Chapter 20 The Smell Of Gun Powder Between Friends.
didn’t want to take his frustration out on someone who had nothing to do with Leonica’s actions. But that didn’t mean he was going to let the matter go and accept things as they are.
“Lloyd is right,” He began, glancing over his shoulder at his two friends. “There’s no need to argue over
something like this,”
He stated. Christian had almost thanked the lord for his friend’s change in stubborn attitude when Gabriel
“I’ll just have to get those records on my own. With or without your help Chris.”
And just like that, his hopes and reliefs went down the drain.
“Are you out of your mind?” Christian snapped, taking a step towards Gabriel, Lloyd however, stepping between the two the moment he sensed the tension
rising once more.
“Both of you, break it off.” He demanded, glancing between the two who looked like they were on the
battle Field.
What exactly had he missed at the banquet vesterday?
20 Chapter 20 The Smell Of Gun Powder Between Friends.
He thought.
Perhaps he can find some details out if he just asked?
He opened his mouth to speak as soon as the passing thought crossed his mind, however, before he could
get so much as a word out of his mouth, Gabriel’s phone began to ring.”
Gabriel didn’t head towards his phone, adamant to continue glaring at Christian, until the seconds ring.
Once he did, he checked the caller ID.
‘Angelina.’ He thought, letting out a sigh, and with his finger swiping the answer button, he placed the phone by his ear.
“Gabe? Hey babe are you busy? Could you visit me at the hospital?” Angelina’s voice sounded out from the other end of the phone, accompanied by the subtle sound of hospital beeping machines.
The anger Gabriel had felt towards Christian and Leonica subsided and was replaced with worry after hearing Angelina’s words.
“Hospital? Why?” He asked.
“Ah, back at the forecast station, I was recording a
20 Chapter 20 The Smell Of Gun Powder Between Friends.
weather update, but the technical team had accidentally toned the wind blower up too much. It was a pretty strong wind, but I guess I got blown off my feet and landed on the ground. Nothing serious though, the doctor says I sprained my leg a little, so I need someone to attend to the bills and signing her at the hospital.”
As Angelina had talked, the image of the forecast station had played in Gabriel’s mind and the moment she was done explaining the situation, Gabriel felt a wave of worry wash over him.
“How bad is the sprain? Are you sure nothing else is wrong?” He questioned, ignoring the looks Lloyd and Christian were throwing his way.
“Nah, I’m okay, it’s just a minor injury.” She assured.
“Alright. Take a rest, I’ll be there soon.”
“Thanks, Babe, see ya.”
After hanging up, Gabriel turned to Lloyd and
Christian, informing them of what happened, however, Lloyd being the only one who looked genuinely concerning.
“There you go again, running off at her beck and call.”
20 Chapter 20 The Smell Of Gun Powder Between Friends.
Christian sassed, scoffing in disbelief.
“She’s my fiancée. I’ll have to go and check on her.” Gabriel reasoned, grabbing his car keys and heading for the door, ignoring what other sarcastic remarks Christian threw his way.
In a matter of minutes, he had driven off to the
hospital Angelina was currently at.
Arriving at the hospital, he asked for Angelina’s room number. The receptionist who seemed to be a big fan of his, gladly informed him of her room number, before sending him on his way with a small wink.
‘How tacky.’ Gabriel thought as he walked down the hallway of the hospital’s third floor.
“245, 247, 249, 251,” He counted, his eyes looking around for the room number.
Turning the corner, he was about to continue his counts when a small figure suddenly sprinted his way, bumping into his tights and falling down.
A tiny voice whimpered, drawing Gabriel’s attention as he glanced down and his gaze landed on the small
20 Chapter 20 The Smell Of Gun Powder Between Friends.
male with blonde locks, sitting on the floor, rubbing
his head in pain.
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21 Chapter 21 Astonishing Discovery