24 Chapter 24 Drunk And Dumb..
24 Chapter 24 Drunk And Dumb.
The ticking sound of a clock on his work table was Gabriel’s only source of concentration. After his conversation with Bill, he had returned to the company, burying his nose in all the works that had pilled up over the days due to his neglect.
The hours went by and soon, he became unaware of the time of the day and the daylight sipping through the blinds of his window was quickly fading.
His concentration towards work was disrupted as the sound of soft footsteps accompanied by knocks on his door, caught his attention.
He looked up from the work at hand. “Come in.”
The door opened at his command and Bill walked in, brown folder in his arms containing the information he had been assigned to get.
“Sir,” The assistant greeted. He passed the folder to Gabriel and stood back, watching as his boss unraveled the envelope and pulled out it’s contents, a couple of white print papers.
“I got the information on the boy as you requested.” He
“Good. You’re dismissed.” He waved his hand, the assistant bowing respectfully before taking his leave.
Gabriel eager to get answers, began reading the paper. However, with each line he completed, his face became more gloomy. One line in particular completely destroyed his mood.
Name: Ashely.
Age: Three years old.
Ashely, the boy he had ran Into, was three years old,
not four?
Gabriel’s grip on in the paper tightened as he thought; He had divorced Leonica five years ago, it was
then she had conceived his child, so by now, his child was meant to be five, at least four.
Yet it showed here that the boy was three years old. Didn’t that mean that he belonged to another man
other than himself?
Anger cursed through Gabriel’s veins and he nearly crumbled the entire paper in his grasp.
How bold if Leonica!
So while he was here, barely getting any sleep at night, worrying over the stupid decision she had made by making away with his child, she was busy enjoying the pleasure a man brought her in bed building another family with him!
If that wasn’t something to be angered about, then he didn’t know what anger truly meant.
Standing from his desk, Gabriel walked towards the bar installed in his office. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey, a glass and sat on a still before pouring himself one glass.
As he chugged the first glass down, Leonica’s face flashed in his mind and his temper flared, resulting in him chugging another glass down and another glass down and another and before he knew it, the world
around him began to swirl.
He felt his mouth moving but couldn’t hear the words that were coming out. Soon, the door to his office. opened and Bill walked in once more.
“Sir, you called.”
I did?‘ He thought rotting off the Staal and walking
towards Bill.
Maybe he had taken a little too much alcohol for the night.
Bill, seeing the state his boss was in, knew what he had
to do.
“Let’s get you home, Sir.” He suggested, leading Gabriel out of his office and towards his car.
When he had placed his in the back seat and started the engine, he glanced at his boss through the rare view mirror and announced. “Sir, I’m taking you home
“Hmm.” Came Gabriel’s response.
Without saying another word, Bill drove towards his house. The drive was short, the stress thankfully being free, and in under an hour, he had driven the car into
the premises of the Bryce estate and parked in front of
the palace like mansion.
Reaching behind, he gently shook Gabriel awake. “Sir, we’re here.”
Slowly, Gabriel’s eyes opened. He stared at his
assistant for a few seconds before turning to look at
the structure of his house, outside the window.
“Did you-”
“Yes, I brought you home, Sir.” Bill interrupted. Stepping out, he rounded the car and opened the door of the seat Gabriel was seated. “Shall I help you out?”
“No,” Gabriel dismissed, well capable of coming out
Once he was out of the car, Bill closed the door and bowed his head before rounding the car once more and driving off. Gabriel ignored everyone of his gesture and walked, stumbled towards his house. Once he was in, he climbed up the stairs and flung the door to his bedroom open.
The shocking sight In front of him seemed to sober him up somewhat.
“Angelina?” He asked, looking at the brunette who was dressed in a red lace night gown and had placed herself seductively on his bed.
“Hey, Gabe.” She responded, getting off the bed and walking towards him, hips swaying as she did.
“What are you doing here?” He questioned, voice low,
eyes following her movements and noticing the small limps in her step. All credit to her strained ankle.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing their bodies close. “Why, I’m your fiancee aren’t I?”
Gabriel didn’t respond, not knowing how to.
Smelling the scent of alcohol coming off strong from him, Angelina couldn’t help but smirk on the inside.
This was her chance.
“Gabe, are you drunk?” Concern dripped in the silver sound of her voice as she asked. “You are, aren’t you?
Come on, let’s get you to bed”
Before Gabriel could even register the words that had left her mouth, Angelina had already slipped his coat off and begun unbuttoning his shirt.
“Ange,” He muttered out, hands stopping the movement of her hands.
She looked up at him through her long lashes, eyes shinning. “Yes?” Her voice had a seductive low that made Gabriel gulp.
No doubt, Angelina was beautiful. She possessed the type of innocent beauty that made men turn their
heads each time she walked by. And despite the innocent look she had, her aura at times could be
extremely seductive and tempting at times.
Times like this, Gabriel thought as he looked down at
Her and felt his desires stir inside of him.
Angelina was a wonderful and beautiful woman, and he, a man who hadn’t had sexual intercourse with a woman for close to five years running.
Perhaps, this wasn’t so bad.
Angelina was his fiancé after all.
Making up his mind, Gabriel leaned down, lips hovering over hers, giving her time to reject if she
Angelina who was excited seeing a step forward in his relationship, closed her eyes, expecting the best.
But seconds passed and nothing happened.
“I’m sorry,” He uttered, leaning his head on her shoulder. “I really am, but I can’t do this.” He got up.
“I have to go.” He turned around grabbing one of his
car keys as he walked out.
“Gabe! Gabriel!” Angelina called out, but her call fell on
deaf ears.
Gabriel continued down the stairs and exited his
house. He entered the garage and settled in the car. Starting the engine, he sped off.
The ride to the Romero mansion was long and silent, the radio was not turned on, neither were any songs played on the phone.
And when the car was parked, he wasted no time exiting it and walking towards the gate.
He refused to believe that Ashely wasn’t his son and
for that, he needed concrete answers. Answers that only Leonica could give him.
Walking towards the gate, Gabriel’s steps flattered as he watched a red sport car come to stop in front of the
From the front window, Gabriel watched as Leonica chatted with the man in the driver’s seat, passed a few smiles to him before leaning over and encasing him in a hug.
It wasn’t the hug that angered him, nor was it the smile. It was the kiss.
The kiss on the cheek, which lasted a second longer than usual, was what enraged him the most.
Seeing her exchange such a close and intimate action with a man other than himself, a stranger even, made
Gabriel’s blood boil.
Shortly after, she stepped out of the car and bade it goodbye. Turning around she began her walk towards the gate of her house, when suddenly there was a grip on her hand followed by a harsh tug and before she could process what happening, she felt a pair of warm lips forcefully pressed on her own.
It took her a few seconds to process everything. And when the face in front of her eyes cleared, she was surprised beyond words to see Gabriel.