Because of the angle and height of the camera, the others in the video conference could only see that the person who had entered had a great physique and an elegant, composed bearing. Their aura alone indicated they were. no ordinary person, but their face was hidden. Initially, everyone at the company had assumed there was something between Ashley and Mark. They later learned she was married and had older children. However, she rarely discussed her private life; her husband was largely unknown to them.
Because Ashley was so beautiful, and because they’d discovered her abilities far exceeded initial xpectations even surpassing Mark’s – they were curious about her husband. What kind of man could marry such a beautiful and capable woman?
Now that he’d finally appeared, she’d turned the camera away.
Su Yuquan and the others were about to tease her, but before they could speak, Chase said, “Still busy?”
Ashley glanced at him.“Yes.”
He nodded, said nothing, and went to the closet, grabbing clothes before heading to the bathroom to shower. Ashley turned back to her work.
Two other women were in their group. They whispered to Ashley, “Your husband has such a nice voice was equally appealing. voice.”
was undeniably handsome, and his voice.
Ashley didn’t know what to say.“Thank you…”