Ashley noticed that. She’d known Chase for ten years. Chase and Zark had been close friends. since childhood. They studied, worked, and socialized together. Chase never introduced her to his friends, so she and Zark were acquaintances at best. However, Chase had introduced Tanya. to Zark and the other friends. Tanya celebrated birthdays with them; they watched the race together. It was like she was one of them.
Zark and Chase’s other friends had become colder towards Ashley. She’d tried to befriend them, but they just ignored or scorned her, so she gave up. She walked past, but Zark stopped her.“I idn’t know you were interested in racing. His tone was cold; he suspected she was following Chase.
She turned back. What do you want to say?”
Zark wasn’t ashamed of being seen through.“I just don’t think someone like you would like racing. I’m curious.”
“Someone like me?” Ashley stared at him.“Mr. Green, we’re not close. You don’t know me. If you think you do, tell me who I am.”
He always thought she was a duplicitous person. She might look quiet and shy, but if fact she was cunning and manipulative. She set him up to marry her but never admitted it
< Chapter48