“Chase said he’ll help me connect with Burke.” Burke was a leading figure in China’s VR industry. He was highly regarded by the government, his whereabouts kept secret. Tim was one of Burke’s few disciples, and SLAM was rumored to be Burke’s creation. If the Tim route was blocked, they had to try Burke.
“That’s good,” Mark said, though with some concern.“Tim is Burke’s student. If he said anything negative about you to Burke, could that…?”
It shouldn’t be a problem,” Yonnie laughed.“Brother, you don’t know Burke. He values talent bove all else. Tanya is a genius. If she gets a chance to meet Burke, with her VR expertise, she’ll
disciple.” certainly impress him. Burke might even take her on as a
Mark chuckled.“That’s true.”
Yonnie asked, “When will Chase arrange a meeting with Burke?”
Tanya took sip of water. “Next week’s tech expo. Burke will be attending.”
They knew about the expo, but their company lacked the clout to secure a booth. However, with Chase’s influence…
The siblings exchanged glances.
Tanya added,“Chase gave me two tickets, but only two.”
“It doesn’t
with you.
The important thing is that you go.”
Yonnie agreed, smiling.“Exactly.”