hapter 871
Chapter 871
Since the mysterious young man, Kendrick was the second person to identify Felix as a Dragons Destroyer practitioner.
Kendrick said, “No need to hide it. Without Dragons Destroyer training, you wouldn’t be able to sense the Dragonspine’s energy signature and track it here.”
Kendrick’s eyes filled with nostalgia as he continued, “The Maximus family ancestor was the first person to master Dragons Destroyer successfully. How else would I know about it or have frequent access to Dragonspine?”
Felix was stunned to learn that the first Dragons Destroyer practitioner Gerald mentioned was actually Kendrick’s ancestor. He admitted, “You’re right–I do practice Dragons Destroyer.
“But I have a question. I recently encountered a young man from the other side who was incredibly powerful. I couldn’t even fight back, yet he knew about my Dragons Destroyer training and even the exact number of Dragonspine pieces I possessed.”
Kendrick chuckled knowingly. “That must have been someone from the Maximus family. In all these years, no one else in the family has managed to master Dragons Destroyer.
“However, we’ve had many geniuses who kept modifying and experimenting with the practice. They must have achieved a breakthrough–even without Dragons Destroyer, they can certainly harness Dragonspine’s power.”
Kendrick added, “Most likely, one of the Dragonspine shards in your body vibrated. Otherwise, that young man wouldn’t have been able to detect you.”
Felix was impressed by Kendrick’s extensive knowledge, as everything he said aligned perfectly.
Kendrick said, “Since fate brought us together, let me share a lead with you. Years ago, when I fled to the city, I discovered traces of a Dragonspine. Though decades have passed, so I’m not sure if that person still possesses it.”
Felix bowed in gratitude. “Whether or not it’s still there, I’m grateful for the information.”
Kendrick nodded, his mood inexplicably better. “No need to thank me. I couldn’t get a good look at the person’s face, but there was one distinctive feature–both of their hands were covered in purple scales. That’s all I can tell you.
Felix wondered if the person could be Pierre’s uncle, who was a fisherman. Nonetheless, had never imagined the fisherman might have a Dragonspine shard.
Though Felix had no clear idea where to start looking, at least he now had a glimmer of hope. With just two shards left to find, even this small piece of information was invaluable.
Kendrick’s tone was heavy with emotion as he said, “The future belongs to your generation. Though my contact with the Westerio Order has been limited, I’ve learned that they’ve
Chapter 871
somehow gained soul–related abilities and grown significantly stronger. I sense major changes coming.
“So, if you ever gain enough strength, you should destroy the Westerio Order. Leaving them alive will only spell disaster for everyone.”
With that, Kendrick stood up. “Wait here. I’ll go change.”
After a few moments, Kendrick returned, his ornate robes replaced with a sharp black suit.
“You can kill me now,” Kendrick said, his voice steady.
Felix let out a sigh, hesitating for the first time.
“From the moment you removed the Shadow Mask, I knew you’d kill me,” Kendrick added calmly. “You’re no match for the Westerio Order right now, so leaving someone alive who knows your true face would be incredibly foolish.”
Kendrick’s eyes showed only acceptance, without a hint of fear. He urged, “Do it. I’ve wanted to die for a long time anyway. The longer you live, the more you lose that youthful fire.
“I never had the courage to take my own life, but now that you’re here, I think this was meant to be. Dying at the hands of a fellow Dragonian is far better than being tormented by those Westerio bastards.”
Kendrick’s serene smile left Felix feeling deeply conflicted. He had come fully prepared to silence anyone connected to the Westerio Order, knowing such people could never be trusted. Even so, he had not expected things to unfold like this.