Chapter 134
Then, I see Blake come around the corner and jump up to give him a big hug. Its weird because now his hugs feel… not gross, but not good either.
I quickly pull away and give him a disgusted look. He looks at my face and laughs.
“Its because I’m not Damion.” He says.
“Ohhh. Great now everyone’s hugs are going to suck to.” I grumble.
“Don’t worry I will give you more hugs to make ups for it.” Damion says as his arms wrap
around me and pulls me close. I look up at him and he is smiling down at me like I am his
whole world.
A fuzzy warm feeling fills my chest and I sink deeper into Damion’s embrace.
Damion’s POV:
The tree branches scrape against my arms and the air rips against my skin.
Lee laughs as I chase after her. I am running at near full speed and she is ahead. Her scent carries me closer to her as I push myself to catch up.
We both keep running through the woods as I reach out and try to grasp her arm. My fingertips brush against her skin and she looks back at me with a smile so big I fall in love with her all over again.
Her laugh reaches my ears as my fingers curl around her arm and yank her closer to me before I slam her against a tree.
We both look into each other’s eyes and breath heavily.
“You caught me.” She breathes out.
“I guess I did.” I tell her.
After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapter 134
I take a step closer to her and she looks up at me. Her lips part and I unconsciously lick mine. My hand runs up her body and lands at her waist.
Before I know it, her lips are on mine and her hands are in my hair.
I kiss her back and wrap my arms around her waist. She moans into my mouth as my tongue grazes hers. Then, her hands fist my shirt and she spins us around and slams me
into the tree.
She looks at me with hunger in her eyes and swollen red lips. We start kissing again until…
“Does everyone have clothes on?” Blake asks while he walks towards us with his hand over
his eyes.
We pull apart and I hear Lee grumble ‘cock blocker‘ under her breath. She is so horny all the time, its fucking fantastic. Last night I woke up with her mouth around my dick and her already naked. She had the condom on me and was ready to ride me in two seconds flat. I highly recommend turning your girlfriend into a werewolf if you can. Maybe try an avoid the whole her almost dying part though, don’t recommend that.
The three of us walk back towards the house and work with Lee on identifying certain
smells. I forgot how hard it is to learn to be a wolf. The last time I had to teach someone was when I was helping my dad with Blake. Teaching someone how to tap into that part of them has been a challenge, but it just means I spend a lot more time with Lee.
We all go to the house and immediately Lee goes to the fridge. Along with her new sexual hunger, is another hunger. She eats her body weight in food everyday just to keep her wolf
and body fed.
“Do we have bacon?” She asks me as she eats a spoon full of peanut butter.
I smile at her, “Yeah. I’ll make you some.” Then I go over to her and kiss her head before going to the fridge to get my girl some bacon.
As I’m flipping it over I hear tires roll into the drive way. I don’t know who it is, their car doesn’t sound familiar. This can’t be good. Lee must feel something is wrong because she
asks me if everything’s ok.
“Someone’s hear. Stay inside.” I tell her as I go to the front door.
After Faking My Death, My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapter 134
“Bullshit.” I hear her say,
I look behind me and there she is following me to the front door, bacon in hand. “Lee, what the hell are you doing?” I ask her.
“You are forgetting I can literally bench press a semi. I think I can handle a person.” She
before walking right past me to the front door.
I sigh and follow her. She opens it and then walks right out.
Also a new thing, she doesn’t fear anything. Including dying apparently, because she has no
idea who or what is out there.
I step out and I see Kristy facing Lee, who is glaring at her. “What the fuck are you doing
here?” Lee asks.
Oh fuck.
“Damion hasn’t been to school in a few days. I was worried.” Kristy responds while crossing
her arms.
“He isn’t your concern Kristy.” Lee smiles. “He’s mine.”
“I had him first.”
“No you didn’t.”
“No you didn’t.” Lee and I say at the same time.
She looks back and smiles, so I go over to her, kiss her on the cheek and put my arm around
her waist. Immediately she relaxes into my arms and makes my heart flutter.
“Don’t get too comfortable. Eventually he’ll grow tired of you.” Kristy sneers.
♡ (0)
After Faking My Death My Alp