Chapter 89
My Lee.
She’ll be mine with a bite, that’s all it takes. Two bites and she’ll be like me. She won’t get sick. I won’t ever hurt her. She’ll be stronger and faster.
I take a step and a branch breaks under my paw. She turns to me quickly and the light shines directly onto me. Her lips part in shock. I look at her neck and see it pulsing. I want to sink my teeth into her so that every part of her is mine.
She swallows and takes a step back. I growl at her trying to get away from me. She can’t leave me, I won’t let her. I take a step towards her and she takes another back. Then, her
back hits a tree and she whimpers. I keep slowly walking towards her, but she doesn’t move.
I am eye to eye with her. I lean my face closer so that my snout is buried in her hair. She
gasps as my wet nose touches her soft skin. I drag my snout up her neck and inhale her
No, this isn’t right.
I jerk my head out of her neck and see there are tears in her eyes. My heart clenches at the sight and I take off running into the woods.
I have to tell her.
Lee’s POV:
I grab my keys and bag before locking the library door and going after Damion.
Something is wrong, I can feel it. He is never like that.
I get in my car and start to drive to his house. I am on the secluded road you take to get to the Cruz property when I see his truck parked on the side of the road.
After Faking My Death. My Alpha Husband Went Mad
quickly pull off to the side and get out. I go over to his truck and peek through the
window. Nobody is ”
in there.
He must be in the woods cooling off or something, but he said there was animals out there.
I saw his phone on the seat which means if he needs help he can’t call anyone. I have to
find him.
I turn on my phone flashlight and hesitantly make my way into the woods. I yell his name, but the was no answer. I do it again and still nothing. Now, I am worried. What if something happened to him? What if he’s hurt?
“Damion! Its me! Are you ok? I saw your truck!” I wait a few seconds and still there is not
Then, I hear things snapping. Maybe breaking? I don’t know but there are grunts too. I gasp
feeling alone. My heart starts to race and my palms sweat.
at the sudden I am n
I stay
still, “Damion?” I whisper praying that its him.
There is silence for awhile, but I know someone is here. Then, I hear a branch snap. I quickly turn my head and flashlight to where I heard the sound. I wasn’t prepared for what
I saw.
My jaw drops a little at the shock of seeing a big ass black wolf standing not five feet away from me. It has these glowing blue eyes, sort of like the other wolf. But the other one had
yellowish, maybe even green eyes.
I take a slow step back and the wolf gets… upset?
It lets out a growl and takes a step forward. We repeat this until my back hits a tree. The
wolf keeps walking towards me.
I’m dead.
It puts its snout in my hair and drags it nose up my neck. This feels… weird. It’s almost like deja vu, like its happened before but I don’t remember. Tears prickle my eyes as I
remember how Damion used to do this before he would bite into my sweet spot.
After Faking My Death My Alpha Husband Went Mad
Chapret 89
Suddenly, the wolf jerks it head back and looks at me. Then, it takes off running into the woods.
I sit there in shock for a few minutes and then realize if there one… there’s more.
I grab my phone from beside me where I dropped it and run through the woods back the way I came. I see Damion’s truck and I start to cry. Where is he?
I get in my car, put the keys in, and flip a U so fast I get dizzy. I press the gas until I am going eighty and speed the whole way to my house. While I am driving tears fill my eyes and roll down my face. I am terrified something happened to him.
I pull into my driveway and get out. I run into my house and stop in my track when I see Luca sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees. His head snaps to mine with worried filled eyes.
“Lee! Thank God! Where were you, I have been calling you for an hour!” He says loudly.
“I–I ummm…”
“Lee, what’s wrong? Are you ok?”
“There was a wolf a–and Damion’s out in the woods. I don’t know if he’s hurt or something-” I say while crying so hard he can’t even hear me.
“The woods? Lee what the hell were you doing in the woods?” He asks while running his hands through his hair.
“Look… I went after Damion because we had a fight. I saw his truck on the side of the road and I went into the woods to find him. When I got there there was this big ass black wolf. I ran away and now Damion is out there alone still. We have to find him. I will call Max, Warren, and Blake and you call the Cruz‘.” I tell him as I take me phone out.
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Chapel 1
Chapter 90