MY Possessive Mafia Men
Chapter 191: I Can’t Put Them At Risk
Chapter 191: I Can’t Put Them At Risk
Being with Marshall, even if it was only as his students, was something secretly took in. Frankly, it was one of my favorite parts of the week, seeing him and being close to him, it was like a drug. And I needed to get my fix. In his class, I could let myself forget for those precious minutes that my life wasn’t completely fucked. There, with him. I let myself dream and, most of the time, my fantasies weren’t exactly innocent.
Something about having Marshall as my professor did something to me. Maybe it was the power dynamic between us, me being his student and him being my professor. He had a certain authority over me in a way he hadn’t before when I was his submissive, and we all knew I had a thing for authority. In my mind, we were still together, and this just added excitement to our relationship. It was forbidden, a slight taboo, and I was burning up at the thought of using our situation to our advantage.
It felt wrong, knowing where we stood both in our professional and intimate relationship, to fantasize about the things I did. But I couldn’t stop, it didn’t help that he talked with such authority and how he was so in charge of where he stood right in front of me. It definitely didn’t help that I knew what it felt like to have him dominate me, how he used his voice to control me. And it most definitely didn’t help that I knew how it felt to have him inside me, thrusting into me hard. Sometimes, I got the impression that he knew where my mind was heading for each class, his eyes would connect with mine and I could swear I saw heat in them. Just a flicker, not enough for any other students to catch onto it. Yes, it was wrong of me to think those thoughts about my professor, but sue me for wanting to let go of everything for just a little while. I hadn’t had an orgasm since I had been with Kingston two weeks ago, and they had made me addicted to it I had tried everything to seek that small moment of bliss, but my mind wouldn’t turn off enough for me to get off. Marshall’s classes
Were the only times I could actually feel a flutter down there, and I soaked it all up.
My first class felt like it lasted at least two hours, I was strung up and ready to see one of my men. Though, this past week, I had worked hard and studied, so I wouldn’t let him take another thing from me. I was pleased to see that I had caught up with the materials and wasn’t falling behind after the days I didn’t attend school, and from the days I had attended, but hadn’t been present on. The only class I could potentially fall behind in was Marshall’s class with my daydreaming and all. Luckily, he always had notes he shared with anyone who would be interested in them, which I read through in my spare time when I wasn’t as distracted. Professor Raymond ended the
lecture early, and I jumped up from my seat in a hurry to get to the next building.
When I got there, I checked to see if the door to Marshall’s class was open and it was. The room was all empty except for Godwin, who was sitting right beside my assigned seat. He smiled when he noticed me, and I smiled back. Aside from that time, he had asked me if I wanted to have coffee with him. I hadn’t had much opportunity to talk to him. But he seemed like a sweet guy, a little bit self–assured perhaps, but not vain. And he was a hit with the girls, at least from what I had seen of the girls in class. It appeared the girls in this class had two main objectives, their focus constantly switching between Godwin and Marshall. Not that I could blame them, they were both ridiculously handsome. Although my taste preferred the older and more mature look that Marshall had going on. I might have been biased though, because my feelings were involved.
“Your professor let you out early too?” He asked as I took my seat.
“Yes, thankfully. That class today was a drag.”
Professor Raymond had this monotone voice that made listening to him dreadfully dull. It didn’t make it better that I had him three times a week. Gosh, I liked the subject, but this voice made even the interesting things sound like he was talking about a traffic jam.
“Ahh, I hate that. You have professor Raymond, right? I had him last year, so I get what you mean.”
I had just started placing my laptop on my desk but paused, suspicion creeping in.
“How did you know I had him?” I asked slowly, keeping my tone neutral.
“Oh, I saw you walk out of his lecture room last week. I was in the class two doors down from his class.” He replied.
The way he said it, all relaxed and without thought made me breathe out in relief. It didn’t sound like he had been following me, but if he
Chapter 191: I Can’t Put Them At Risk
was lying, then danimit, he was good. These days, I couldn’t get away with a normal conversation with a guy without being cautious. It was ridiculous how paranoid I was being, but I couldn’t seem to help it
“So, I talked to Jocey.” I said, filling in the silence as we waited for the class to begin.
Lately, I hadn’t been very social, but I could still hold my own when needed.
“It sucks that it did work out between you guys.” His eyes squinted as
looked at me.
“Why?” I shrugged.
“I don’t know, I guess you seem like a nice guy and I want the best for my friend.” He laughed.
“You guess I seem like a nice guy?”
“Well, we haven’t had the opportunity to get to know each other properly, so I can’t say for sure that you are nice.” I teased him.
For some reason, the only me I felt relaxed enough to let go of my worries was here, and when I worked at Kingston’s nightclub. But I knew damn well why I felt that way here. In this room, I was safe here and at the club. Marshall would never let anything happen to me while I was in his class and the same went for Kingston at his nightclub.
And you could feel safe everywhere if you had just told them about your stalker.‘ my mind whispered to me.
It was a thought I had often enough, it followed me when I was outside and my eyes searched the street for danger. It held me company when I locked myself inside my apartment, trying to escape it all. The only time it wasn’t with me was when I fell asleep, where the nightmarish fright took hold and pushed away my hints of comfort.
‘But, I can’t put them at risk.‘ I tried to convince myself yet again. But each time I told myself that, my selflessness was slipping away little by little.
After all, as I had already established, I was built with fear, and courage was something I severely lacked.
“Whose fault is that?” Godwin mused in a teasing tone.
“Maybe we should change that if you are not busy today washing your underwear.” He added. I looked at him confused. I had no idea what he was talking about.
“Huh?” I muttered.
“We, not knowing each other. Maybe we should change that. Finally, get that coffee together,” He explained.
“Oh, umm…”
I didn’t know what to say to that. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to get to know him, it was just that I didn’t trust strangers or in this case acquaintances, to get close to me. It made me feel vulnerable, and I couldn’t let myself be that.
“Never mind.” He gave me a sad smile.
“We can keep it like it is.”
“It is not that,” I quickly explained.
“I am just swamped at the moment, I haven’t gotten used to going to school yet while balancing two jobs on the side. It will take me a while to get better at time management.”
Chapter 191:1 Can’t Put Them At Risk
It was only a white lie, or not oben that. I did struggle to balance it allt mostly because it was impossible to balance anything when adding a stalker on top of it. Larckily, the part about having two jobs was still true. I had been afraid that Ben would tell his aunt why her jumped, and I would get fired, or I had to risk working with him again. ut instead of those two things happening, he had instead quit his job at the cafe. My answer appeared to ease the strain of his smile.
“I get that, if your situation ever changes, let me k
After a couple of minutes, students began trickling into the room. A few of the girls stopped next to Godwin to say hi. He wasn’t flirtatious with them, like I would expect a college guy who gets attention from multiple girls to be. He simply greeted them and that was
- it.