Chapter 193: You Are Killing Me
Chapter 193: You Are Killing Me
My lungs were fighting for air, but he was taking my breath away little by little. It felt like something had changed between us, there was something more, something heavier in the air. My head got dizzy from it, and goosebumps rose as the tension between us grew tighter and tighter. There was this attraction between us that was impossible to ignore.
The attraction had always been there, since the second I felt him behind me on my first night at the bdsm club. It wouldn’t go away simply because we were on a break. It wouldn’t vanish just because I had now become his student. Frankly, I think that was part of why this attraction seemed stronger now, more explosive than before, because there was a new element mixed into this, the forbidden. After all, we humans always wanted what we couldn’t have. It was in our nature.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” I begged, though I didn’t know what I was begging for.
For him to take the kiss I desperately wanted to give him or for him to pull away because I was too weak to do it myself. He leaned down, his mouth just an inch from me.
“You are right, we shouldn’t.” I could feel his words against my lips a second before he slammed his lips against mine.
The second I tasted him, was the moment I lost myself to him. My mind was empty, there were no thoughts plaguing me, no worries or cafes that I had been troubled by these last weeks. He was anything but sweet as he took and took and took. It seemed like he wouldn’t be satisfied until he devoured me completely. He was greedy, insatiable, and I was powerless as I offered up everything I had to him. There was nothing sweet about this, this was hunger and desperation and longing all mixed into a volatile cocktail of lust. I wanted to drown in him, I wanted to never ever come up for air. I didn’t need it as long as I had this mouth against mine.
Groaning, he fisted my hair and attacked my lips. The sting in my scalp made me gasp with pleasure and pain, and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. I sucked on it, wishing it was something bigger, something harder I was sucking on. My body screamed for more, more and more. It wouldn’t feel enough until he was inside me, thrusting into my wet heat.
“Please,” I whined, clawing at his arms to get him as close to me as possible.
With his lips and hands on me, I forgot everything but him. There were no stalkers, no creepy gifts and scary texts. There was no fear or hopelessness. It is just us and our desperation to consume each other. His hands found their way to my ass, and he squeezed them with a strong dash of possessiveness. His action brought another moan out of me, and then another as one of his hands slid from my ass to my front, cupping my pussy through my jeans. He pressed his palm against my clit, massaging it through the rough material of my pants.
“Fuck, you are killing me, baby girl.” Marshall groaned.
I stiffened in his arms, as if my brain had restarted and my mind was now reminding me why this wasn’t a good idea.
“What is wrong?” He pulled away from me, sensing that something had changed. I instantly missed his closeness.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” I said, echoing my words from earlier, only this time it wasn’t indecisive or full of need, it was a statement. I shook my head, my eyes pleading with him to understand something he had no knowledge on to fully and truly understand it.
“I..I am sorry but I can’t. I need to go.”
I didn’t hesitate as I grabbed my bag and went. My step, hurried. I forced myself not to look back and kept going because if I didn’t, I was afraid of what I would do next. It was difficult walking away from him. My body practically screamed in despair. The only thing that made it impossible for me to turn around and continue when we left off were the threats hanging over their heads. With each step, my jeans rubbed uncomfortable against my throbbing clit, effectively reminding me of what we had done. I had been weak for him when I had to stay strong.
Chapter 193: You Are Killing Me
“Damnit,” I cursed, feeling sexually frustrated and angry at the person keeping me away from my men.
Tonight, after my shift at Kingston’s nightclub, I would take out my favorite vibrator and have the orgasm my body so desperately needed. I refused to let my stalker take my pleasure away from me like he had dine with everything else. First, I just needed to get through being in proximity to Kingston. Let’s just hope I could get through the night without kissing him or fucking him. My will was now on a thin thread, especially after the fire Marshall had lit in me.
Later that day, I found myself once again locked inside my own apartment. My thoughts were too scrambled to make sense of any of them, but my feelings, on the other hand, were prominent and hard to dismiss. I was full of nerves and sexual frustration. The combo was awful and not recommended. What had happened with Marshall should’t have happened. I was scared that my stalker would somehow find out and hurt him because of me. That type of fear was even worse than fearing for myself. If something happened to him, something like what had happened to Ben, it would be on me and I wouldn’t be able to bear that weight.
My half–eaten dinner had turned cold, it wasn’t easy for me these days to eat. I had thought it would be better today, though. I had returned home with a bag of veggies and noodles, having planned to make Kingston’s stir–fry. I had thought that after spending some much–needed time with Marshall, it would have improved my appetite. I had been jittery, and there had been so much life in me. But it soon changed when there was another package from my stalker at my door. Talk about a fucking crash right down to reality. This time, I had gotten a doll that used to be popular in the early two thousand. I knew it because I used to have a doll just like that when I was younger, with it being the standard note. It was my sixth gift from him. I shuddered just thinking about it.
What the hell was his fascination with children’s clothing and toys? Clearly, he was deranged, and that made me worry what length he would go to make sure I was following about him. My phone rang after I had forced myself to start getting ready for work, my hands turned shaky as I placed my eyeshadow brush down on the bathroom counter. Hesitantly, I picked up my phone and looked at the screen. A part of me was convinced it was my stalker, and that he knew about Marshall and me. I let out a breath of relief when I saw it was Andy. I debated not answering, but I figured I couldn’t avoid him forever.
“Hi,” I greeted him, trying to keep my voice light.
“What would you know? She actually knows how to answer her phone.” He said sarcastically, but there was a sound of relief in his voice
as well.
“I have been trying to call you for days. Why haven’t you gotten back to me?”
I could hear the sad tone in his voice, and I frowned. I had never wanted to hurt Andy’s feelings, but it was hard for me to talk to him. He was my best friend and hiding something from him was damn near impossible. And truth be told, I hadn’t been in the mood to hear his bubbly voice and hear how amazing he had it with his boyfriend. I was jealous of my friend, I didn’t want to be, but I was, nevertheless. It cracked my heart a little as I came to that realization, because I had avoided thinking about it. Andy deserved all the happiness he could find, and I should be happy for him. I mean, I was happy, but I was also deeply envious.
“I am sorry, Andy. I have been…”
“Busy?” He cut me off.
“Yes, I know, but I miss you. We haven’t seen each other in ages, and it has been days since we last talked. Days, Angelia, do you hear that? It has been days! When have we ever gone that long without talking to each other?”
A tear threatened to escape from my suddenly watery eyes, but I didn’t let it. I had been crying too much already, and I was emotionally done with shedding tears.