Chapter 0015
Ella POV
Alexander’s bright eyes were fixed on me, and a smile was pulling at his lips. He was obviously trying to get a rise out of me, and it was working.
He was also making David angry, which was a bonus.
“I’m not the only one that’s happily in love, though, am I? Congratulations again on your engagement,” Alexander added, looking at David.
David snorted in response and tightened his grip on me.
I could still feel myself blushing as David pulled me away. He must have seen how red my face was and thought it was from anger.
“Don’t listen to him, Ella. No matter what he says, he’ll never find a more suitable Luna than you,” David said softly. For a moment, I thought he was trying to comfort me, but then he added, “After all, you’re the only daughter of one of the most promising packs.”
I remembered him making comments like that to me in the past, and I had taken them as compliments. But now I could see just how disgusting his thoughts about me really were. He saw me as nothing but a way to gain power. I was like a trophy to him, not a person.
I tried to pull away from his grip, but he looped his arm around mine and kept me close. I had to remind myself why I was here. This was supposed to be our big engagement dinner.
I had to play the part of the lovesick fiance.
I was walking towards our table, but David suddenly moved to the right, pulling me with him. I could see why he had changed direction. The Alpha of the Red Oak pack and lus Luna were sitting at a table nearby.
I smiled happily as we approached them. This was why had chosen this restaurant. I wanted to make sure that as many people as possible would see what was going to happen with their own eyes.
“Hello,” the Luna said brightly.
“Hello,” David replied. “It’s been a long time since we’ve met outside of the council.”
I stood there smiling while David chatted with the Alpha. My mind was not on the conversation; I was eager to get back to our table. I couldn’t see from here if Amanda has arrived yet.
If she didn’t show up for some reason, everything would be ruined.
The restaurant must be even more popular than I realized. We spent a long time going from table to table and chatting with the various Alphas and Lunas that were here. Everyone congratulated us on the engagement.
It was hard to keep smiling and pretending that I was happy about it. I managed it though.
“Ella, how are the wedding plans coming along?”
confusion. It was the Luna of the Briar Rose pad I hadn’t expected such a question, but it gave me a good opportunity
needed to make David teal confident that he was going to what he wanted from me. I couldn’t allow anything
are going well (and happily fixedy for Vid to bug triping me with
After all, I need to start focusing on learning Luna duties.”
“You’ve truly found a wonderful future Luna,” the Alpha of Briar Rose said.
David was looking a
at me in shock, then a huge smile spread over his face. “I did,” he agreed.
I smiled back at him. “We should join our guests,” I said. “We don’t want to keep them waiting too long.”
David nodded in agreement. “It was nice to see you,” he said to the Alpha.
As we walked away, David looked at me with a wide smile on his face. “What made you come to your senses?” he asked.
“You’re going to be my husband,” I replied. “That’s just how things work, right?”
“That’s right,” he agreed. “I’m glad you finally see that I should be the alpha of our combined packs once we’re married.”
We reached our table to find Amanda sitting with our parents.
There was an empty seat beside her. I quickly took it before David had the chance to. Amanda looked disappointed, but I ignored it. David sat on the other side of me.
Скарлет 0016