Chapter 0018
Ella POV
Disgust washed over me at David’s words. After the way he had just viciously defended Amanda, how could he possibly try to pretend that he loved me or that the fated mate bond meant nothing to him?
I didn’t have to look around the room to know that there were chosen mate couples around us. I knew that David’s words would be meaningful to them.
They didn’t know him the way that I did. They didn’t know that he only wanted me for my title. I had to keep the crowd on my side.
I need the public to support my decision to break our engagement.
I stared at David blankly as he approached me with a pleading look on his face. “Love is more than the fated mate bond,” he said.
I looked away from him. If I didn’t, my hatred would show on my face.
My eyes moved to Alexander automatically. He had moved closer in the crowd, and there was a look of concern on his face.
“Do you need help?” he mouthed silently.
I felt relieved that he was nearby and that he knew how distressing this was for me. I knew that I couldn’t ask him to step in; that would reveal too much. But knowing that he was willing to help gave me strength.
“No.” I mouthed back. Then I turned my eyes to David.
“But she is your fated mate, and you knew it! You chose to hide it from me. What kind of love is that, built on lies? “My voice shook, and I could feel tears springing to my eyes as I let all of my pain show on my face.
“Ella, I’m sorry I lied-”
“No,” I said, cutting him off. “I can’t do this, not now. Even if it was a well–intentioned lie, you still showed me that I can’t trust you. How can I possibly entrust the future of my pack to someone who can’t be honest with me about something this important?”
A murmur of agreement went through the crowd at this, and I was relieved to hear that I had won them back over to my side.
“Be reasonable,” David said, stepping a little closer. “I’ll do whatever it takes to prove to you that you’re the only one I love. I’ll never have contact with Amanda again if thats what it takes. Besides, once we’re–married and our bond is in place, the fated bond will fade.”
“We shouldn’t discuss this here,” I said, turning my eyes away from him and looking at my father.
This wasn’t going the way I had planned. I had hoped that after tonight I would never have to pretend to care about David again, but it wasn’t going to be so easy to get rid of him, apparently.
“I can’t just let you walk away angry like this,” David said.
Pine,” I replied angrily. “I wanted to spare your pride, but if you insist on doing this in front of a crowd…”
Just tell me what 1 have to do to prove myself to you” Dad said.
thought for a moment. His public humiliation was one thing, but if he insisted on paying a higher price, then Who was 1 to argue with him?
Chapter 0018
“Then guarantee that you’ll never hide things from me again,” I said. “And since I can’t trust your word, it will have to be in writing, and there will have to be real consequences if you deceive me again.”
“I agree,” David said. “What consequence?”
“It will have to be something serious,” I said thoughtfully. I want you to know that I am serious about this, and so what you risk if you lie to me must be equally valuable farmland. You’ll give us the farmland that borders our packlands.”
“What?” David’s father demanded, “Why such a specific cost?”
“Like I said, it has to be equally valuable. I don’t value my trust cheaply. Besides, if David is true to his word, then there’s nothing to worry about, right?” I said, turning my eyes back to David. “You want to marry me; you want me to commit myself to you and entrust my pack to you, so I need to know that you can be committed to me.”
David looked at his father, and I could tell that he was hesitating.
I honestly hoped that he would say no, and I could break the engagement right now. But if he said yes and I found proof of his lies later, it would be all the better for my pack, We could use that extra farmland to increase food production and decrease our dependency on imports.
It would be good for the pack and strengthen us further.
David looked defeated. “Okay,” he said. “Write up the agreement, and I’ll sign it.”
I shook my head in disbelief. “I can’t believe it’s come to this,” I said, my voice thick with disappointment.
1 looked back at the crowd, and I could see a lot of people nodding in agreement with me, but I couldn’t see Alexander.
He must have left. I felt a little twinge of fear and worried that he might be upset about what I’d just done.
I didn’t want him to get the impression that I was going to back out of our deal. I had no intention of doing that.
I turned to my father. “Can we please leave?” I said. “I don‘ know if I can handle any more of this tonight.”
“Of course,” he said, putting his arm around my shoulders. ‘Let’s get you home.”
I didn’t look at David or anyone else as we exited the restauraht. My father chatted for a second with a manager by the door, promising to make sure that all of the damages were paid for. Then we went to the car.
During the drive back home, I texted Alexander, but he didn’t reply. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had him, that I had taken things too far by demanding a contract from David.
I checked my phone constantly as we drove. When we arrived, I told my parents that I just wanted to get cleaned up and go to bed, and we could talk about things in the morning. They agreed without argument.
I washed
my makeup off, changed into my pajamas, then sat on my bed staring at my phone.
I really hoped that I hadn’t ruined everything.
My arrangement with Alexander was about more than just breaking my engagement with David and embarrassing Jdm in public. I was sure that the little scene in the restaurant would be helpful to Alexander’s chances as Alpha
King, but there was so much more that I could do to help.
And there was so much more that I needed his help with. 1ally hoped that I hadn’t made him angry.
1 laid down in bed and tried to fall asleep, but I couldn’t call my mind.
Finally, I reached for my phone again and sent another text to Alexander.
Chapter 0018
I knew that he probably wouldn’t respond, yet I stared at the dark screen, waiting for it to light up with a notification.
Several minutes passed. During that time, I berated myself for messing everything up. Then there was a soft buzz, and the screen lit up.
I quickly unlocked my phone and opened my messages. There was one from Alexander.
“Come downstairs now.”
Chapter 0019