Chapter 0042
Amidst my mother shoving the idea of another marriage down my throat every chance she gets, and coming home everyday to Beverly who is constantly in my face and even taking up the role of a wife in my home, work is the only way I have been able to cope In the past few days.
It’s 8 o’clock in the morning and I am preparing for yet another hectic day but at the same time looking forward to being out of my own home for the rest of the day. I stand in front of the mirror to fix my tie and the door opens right at that moment.
I sigh when I catch the reflection of Beverly through the mirror.
“Beverly, I told you to knock before coming into my room.” I say. These days, she seems not to grasp the concept of boundaries and oversteps every single one have set. Leslie never does that.
Beverly ignores my obvious displeasure and just slips in front of me, holding my tie in her hands.
“Let me.” She says.
I protest, “No, you don’t have to. I can do it myself.”
She pouts and rubs her tummy, her twisted way of blackmailing me into doing her bidding. I caught onto it a long time ago but I have never scolded her for it all because of the child she is carrying.
I give a sigh of surrender and then let her fix my tie while I keep my gaze on the mirror behind her. Leslie has never done this either but I am willing to bet a million bucks she always wanted to but I never gave her the chance, I never allowed myself to be vulnerable around her.
“There, perfect.” She beams as soon as she’s done. I shrug on my jacket, prepared to leave.
“I hope you didn’t forget that we have a doctor’s appointment in a week.” She says and I pause, brows furrowing.
“We?” I ask dreadfully.
Beverly rubs her growing bump once again and looks back at me with a wide smile on her lips, “Yes, we are in the second trimester already. It’s so amazing, Kian, don’t you think?”
I don’t share in her sentiments, can’t find it in me to be as excited as she is.
“Do I really have to go to the doctor’s with you? My driver can take you.”
Her smile disappears quickly and she sneers at me, “Your driver didn’t knock me up, did he?”
“Beverly, that wasn’t what I-
She raises a hand and cuts me off, “No, I don’t want to hear it but I already told you that I will not let you mistreat me while I am carrying your child. I will not go through this pregnancy alone, you will go to the doctor’s with me and that’s it!”
She doesn’t wait for my response and just storms out of the room. My head swims for a few seconds and I feel the start of a migraine that might last the rest of the day.
Knowing Beverly, it will be hard to escape going to the hospital with her but I am more concerned by the
Chapter 0042
fact that this is actually my responsibility and it makes me give in without a fight.
I put a call through to Peter, telling him to cancel whatever appointment I have in the next one week and schedule the doctor’s visit instead. Then I head to work.
At my office, I am halfway through the day when I get an email from a hospital in London. I get this email once in a month and I have already gotten the one for this month a week ago, so it surprises me that another was sent in.
I scroll through the email and the contents are totally different from the ones from before. The ones from before kept me up to date on the health of my grandfather who I had to force to leave the country to get standard treatment for his heart disease.
The last report from the hospital stated that his health has improved greatly but he needs to remain at the hospital for another year to be fully stabilized for his return back home. That was last week.
Now, I am trying too hard to make sense of the information they are trying to pass across through this new email.
A ton of gibberish about the kind of food he needs to eat, the places he should and shouldn’t be allowed to go, his room temperature, how he SHOULDN’T be stressed.(this part seemed really important because it was in block letters)It goes on and on and on
Did they send this by mistake? Why should I worry about that when he’s with them?
Someone knocks on my door just as I close the email, ruling it off as a mistake. Peter walks in with an expression of worry on his face.
“Sir, someone is here to see you.” He says.
“Do they have an appointment?” I say frowning as I go through my schedule and look back at him, “I’m not meeting anyone today so whoever it is, just turn them away.”
“That’s the thing sir, I can’t do that. It’s…it’s-”
The door swings up just when I am about to scold him. I look up and my jaw drops when I see who walks into the office, all smiles
“It’s your grandfather.” Peter finally completes his statement but it’s too late now since I can already see the old man across the room. I jolt out of my seat but I don’t leave where I’m standing as I watch my old man look around the office that used to belong to him with a proud smile on his face.
“Grandfather.” I call quietly, “How….how are you here?”
“My boy!” He calls back in that familiar hearty voice and laughs, “I wanted to surprise you!”
Oh…I am surprised and deeply worried too because I know what is about to come next from the way he keeps looking through the huge glasses that separate my office and the one that used to belong to Leslie. “By the way, where is my bride? I didn’t see her when I came in. I am so excited to see my lovely girl again!” He says with deep admiration in his voice as he talks about Leslie.
swallow hard, unable to say a word. Peter and I exchange looks and I can tell he is thinking the same thing I am, t
Shit, this is bad. This is really bad.
Chapter 0043